Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bone Body Jewelry What Do You Think Of A Vegetarian Wearing Body Jewelry Made Out Of Bone?

What do you think of a vegetarian wearing body jewelry made out of bone? - bone body jewelry

Good or bad?


Jemma said...

Some people here react not seem to realize that all vegetarians are so for the welfare of animals. There are many reasons () except social assistance, why a man to a meatless diet take in, for example, health, religion, allergies, just do not like the taste of meat, etc. Why hell, everyone assumes that all Vegetarians do it because they care about the animals? I do not understand!

Entities said...

It really is a bit contradictory ... They will not kill an animal for the pleasure of the palate, but not the fact that, for the love of fashion? If you try to make a political statement, as the vegetarian, you might want to stick and support it. But I suspect that if the bones were used in an animal and the animal have died or can depend killed by the jewelry. This should be the same with the meat and then eating an animal that had already died, but I'm not going to kill out of the way?

Thus it can be complicated when dealing with many components. I think it is better to live out their positions and stick free of hypocrisy, as any vegetarian will inevitably bone ornaments, and can be rightly criticized.

Entities said...

It really is a bit contradictory ... They will not kill an animal for the pleasure of the palate, but not the fact that, for the love of fashion? If you try to make a political statement, as the vegetarian, you might want to stick and support it. But I suspect that if the bones were used in an animal and the animal have died or can depend killed by the jewelry. This should be the same with the meat and then eating an animal that had already died, but I'm not going to kill out of the way?

Thus it can be complicated when dealing with many components. I think it is better to live out their positions and stick free of hypocrisy, as any vegetarian will inevitably bone ornaments, and can be rightly criticized.

Entities said...

It really is a bit contradictory ... They will not kill an animal for the pleasure of the palate, but not the fact that, for the love of fashion? If you try to make a political statement, as the vegetarian, you might want to stick and support it. But I suspect that if the bones were used in an animal and the animal have died or can depend killed by the jewelry. This should be the same with the meat and then eating an animal that had already died, but I'm not going to kill out of the way?

Thus it can be complicated when dealing with many components. I think it is better to live out their positions and stick free of hypocrisy, as any vegetarian will inevitably bone ornaments, and can be rightly criticized.

Faye said...

I personally am against it. I am also against the use of clothing or jewelry that has feathers. I saw the feathers and performance that is simply wrong. I think it would be hypocritical to wear jewelry made of animal bones ethical vegetarians. However, already a vegetarian and a hypocrite, because the milk and eggs to eat, but the industries of dairy products and eggs are worse than the meat industry, which cares at this point.

meagan lover said...

I think it depends on the type, what kind of bones. If it is a cow, pig, poultry, dogs, etc., it is kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian. But what if it was produced by antlers? Hunting animals a year, so it does not harm the animal. In fact, one should not even the animal is able to acquire up to the bone. ...
Or what is the bone of an animal to walk in the woods? It is still to be wrong? Just curious about this, I will not put down to the bone.

meagan lover said...

I think it depends on the type, what kind of bones. If it is a cow, pig, poultry, dogs, etc., it is kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian. But what if it was produced by antlers? Hunting animals a year, so it does not harm the animal. In fact, one should not even the animal is able to acquire up to the bone. ...
Or what is the bone of an animal to walk in the woods? It is still to be wrong? Just curious about this, I will not put down to the bone.

baby gurl said...

Technically, you can use vegetarian and, as you will, not long to eat. But many of us choose not to, leather / wool / skin due to ethical concerns, and even the bones, I'm sure.

kaytie said...

Consumption of meat from an animal that is bad for vegetarians, as will the movement of animals. Therefore, you can not just cut a bone from an animal without causing injury or death, to make jewelry. So yes, I think it's wrong. but it is only the opinion of a girl

Cyan A said...

I think it's freaking creepy.

It is really an ethical vegetarian. In my opinion, is not so, but it seems a little strange, because he / she does not eat, animals, but always good to bear their bones?

Grant said...

Real West? In a real animal?
Why do this? They do not eat meat because they too believe in animal rights and things, right? So, why do you use / all that requires the killing of animals?

aqua said...

It is the same as the use of skins or leather or wool. Vegetarian Friendly or not recommended.

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